A lawsuit pursues "Netflix" .. The reason is to mislead the "Queen's gambit"

Lawsuit pursues "Netflix" .. and the reason for misleading "Queen's Gamblit" A Soviet chess legend filed a defamation lawsuit worth 5 million dollars against "Netflix" over an episode of the series "The Queen's Gamblit", which contained false information. Eighty-year-old Georgian Nonna Gabrindashvili, the eighty-year-old Georgian chess legend and the first woman to win the title of "Grandmaster", claimed that the Netflix series indicated in an episode of the "Queen's Gambit" that she had never faced men in any matches. Nouna said in her lawsuit that the way she was portrayed in an episode of the series was biased against women, did not show her truth, and underestimated her abilities. The subject of Nonna's lawsuit is related to the last episode of the series, in which the heroine, played by actress Anya Taylor, plays a match against a Russian chess player in Moscow. In the episode, the commentator on the mat...