When you appear as a scary looking villain in a horror flick, your true appearance is often masked by special effects, makeup, and, you guessed it, a hockey mask. But in real life, these supernatural creatures are no different than the rest of us. Most of you would probably walk by them on the street without realizing the roles they played. This is actually quite an advantage for them, as it gives these actors the chance to avoid being typecast in Hollywood, but it's bad for us, because when we come face to face with them, we won't know whether we should be afraid of them or not. Samara caused havoc and brought terror to audiences in "The Ring" in 2002. In the film, anyone who watched a videotape of Samara would get a call informing them that they had 7 days to live. Then they'd get a visit from Samara herself as she crawled out of the well and into your living room, and killed you. ...
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