15 Embarrassing Photos That Went Viral For The WORST Reason.

No matter how carefully we comport ourselves throughout life, we're bound to get embarrassed eventually. Embarrassing, cringeworthy moments are just part of the human experience -- but as you'll learn from these photos, some embarrassments are worse than others.
Below are some of the most embarrassing, mortifying, and ridiculous photos that ever circulated the internet (and there's no telling if the subjects of said photos are aware of it or not). Check out some of these hilariously humiliating moments below. You'll feel bad for these folks, but you'll also be glad it's not you.

#1. But you say he's just a friend.

But you say he's just a friend.

#2. But you had so much room.

But you had so much room.

#3. This looks like something from Looney Tunes.

This looks like something from Looney Tunes.

#4. The moment before the pain sets in.

The moment before the pain sets in.

#5. It could have been such a beautiful wedding day.

It could have been such a beautiful wedding day.

#6. When you love mather, but mather never taught you how to spell.

When you love mather, but mather never taught you how to spell.

#7. One of these things is not like the other.

One of these things is not like the other.

#8. Go home grandpa: You're drunk.

Go home grandpa: You're drunk.

#9. The devil is in the details.

The devil is in the details.

#10. A new game called Face Smash.

A new game called Face Smash.

#11. Best night of their lives?

Best night of their lives?

#12. But why?

But why?

#13. Entering into an intimate relationship.

Entering into an intimate relationship.

#14. Just the man you want to see on your wedding day

Just the man you want to see on your wedding day.

#15. There's always one guy who has to ruin it.

There's always one guy who has to ruin it.


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