Why is China's Shanghai best cities for expatriates? Over 150 years, Shanghai attracted foreign workers, though, which witnessed the economic downturn, it is still a kiss for foreign workers in order to earn a living. In the beginning, the American Andrea Duty was not enthusiastic about the idea of going to Shanghai. When Chris told her husband that his company offered him a position in the city, were not to have any desire to discuss the matter. Duty remember, a few months later, a bite into cheese imported from Spain in appetizers "tapas" bar in the heart of Shanghai: "At first glance, my reaction was that I said to him: This is totally unacceptable." Two months after the transmission of the couple, signed in love with Shanghai, Kshan a lot of foreigners, Sasarda you almost endless list of reasons Ashgahma of the country. Shanghai is the largest city in China and most diverse cultures, races, and still charm attracts foreigners from various corners o...